Puppy Classes
Puppies can attend classes after their 2nd vaccination.
Your 4 week course (preferably consecutively) is a good entry level for puppies, encouraging social skills & confidence building for dogs up to 8 months old. Your class includes our three essential elements to puppy training.
Obedience and Manners
Group classes advocating pack structure and obedience. Allow your instructor to guide you through the basics of obedience by introducing you and your puppy to Marker Training (reward training). This training is designed to encourage & develop good manners in your puppy.
Also included is advice on feeding & health.
To help further socialise your puppy, a puppy pen is used to introduce your dog to other puppies. Your puppy will spend about ten minutes in a staff supervised pen with three or four similar aged & sized puppies. Over the weeks, watch with delight, as your puppy`s social skills grow, as they interact with the other pups.
Confidence Building
Also, new to Puppy training, a `Confidence building course'. The course is ideally sized for puppies. Challenges include, tunnel, see-saw, dog walk and polls to weave around. This course gives your puppy an introduction to new and unfamiliar obstacles & movement. The course aids your puppy`s development, by making the challenges, a positive experience for them. Over the weeks, your puppy will learn to overcome these mini challenges. Your puppy`s confidence will increase, enabling them to brave the outside world.
Many people wish to continue training with their dogs, so we can advise which classes are the most suitable as you and your dog gain confidence and seek a more challenging class.

Professional, insured Trainers